How do I research an attorney?


The New York Court's website has a number of resources for researching an attorney, legal consultant, or in-house counsel.

To find an attorney's registered office, date of admission to the bar, and graduating law school, go to Attorney Search.

For information on good standing and disciplinary records, contact the Grievance Committee for the Appellate Division that certified the lawyer to practice. That information is in the Attorney Search record.

To find cases in which an attorney represented a party, search by attorney in the Ecourt's available courts.  Remember that not all counties and courts have efiling available.

If an attorney represented a party in a case which was published in the New York Official Reports, you can search by the attorney's name in the New York Official Reports Service

  • Last Updated May 16, 2022
  • Views 634
  • Answered By Librarian 5

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