What is calendar practice?

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Calendar practice refers to the timelines for discovery, settlement offers, conferences and trial. It also covers restoring to calendar when a party has missed a hearing and the judge has issued a judgment. Calendar Practice in the New York State Court System requires reading the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR) and state and local court rules. Calendar practice is governed by CPLR art 34 and 22 NYCRR 202.1 et seq

CourtHelp pages on Calendar Practice include:

Calendaring an Uncontested divorce Case Calendaring an Uncontested Divorce Case | NY CourtHelp (nycourts.gov)

A Guide to Small Claims & Commercial Small Claims in the New York State City, Town & Village Courts SmallClaimsHandbook.pdf (nycourts.gov)

Legal materials in the public access law libraries that discuss calendar practice include:


1 LexisNexis AnswerGuide New York Civil Litigation Chapter 8.syn (2020) Pretrial Formalities

7 New York Civil Practice: CPLR R3401.syn (2021) Calendar Practice, Case Management & Trial Preferences

1 Weinstein, Korn & Miller CPLR Manual § 22.01 (2021) Calendar Practice and Trial Preference


Siegel’s New York Practice, Ch 14 Pretrial Incidents

Practical Law: Trial Calendar Practice and Preferences Under CPLR Article 34 (NY)

3 West's McKinney's Forms Civil Practice Law and Rules § 7, Trials > Calendar Practice


  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2023
  • Views 373
  • Answered By Librarian 5

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