PENDING STATUS- What does Pending Status of document mean in NYSCEF?


A document displaying "pending" status in NYSCEF indicates that the document has been received by the court and is under review.  Once the review is complete the status will be changed to "processed". For more specific information regarding the status of your filing please contact the County Clerk or Clerk of the Court in the County of the filing.  You can find specific court contact information at and for further court information, please go to 

Note: Pursuant to 202.5-b (d)(3)(i) Filing and receipt of documents- Documents may be transmitted at any time of the day or night to the NYSCEF site. A document other than an order or judgment is filed when its electronic transmission of the document is recorded at that site, provided, however, that where payment of a fee is required upon the filing of a document, the document is not filed until transmission of the document and payment is presented to the County Clerk.

  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2021
  • Views 3275
  • Answered By Maureen Arditi

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