What is confidential personal information? What is confidential information? What is privileged information?


Court rules require the redaction and omission of confidential personal information in court filings and publications (see Court Help Glossary definition). 

Privileged communications and privileged information are defined by statute. Many of those statutes are listed in Civil Practice Law and Rules, art 45. For a comprehensive list, look in the New York State Statutes under the index heading "Confidential or Privileged Information." The index to the New York State Statutes is not available on the Internet but is available through commercial databases available in the public access law libraries.

Confidential information can include sensitive business information, proprietary information, and trade secrets, as well as communications that request confidentiality. Research on this topic will be required when preparing for litigation.

Court Help Glossary:

Confidential Personal Information (CPI): Things that may be removed from court papers to protect a person, like, social security numbers, birthdates, and tax information. See NYCRR number 202 section 5(e).

privileged communication:  The rules that let communication (conversations, emails, letters, etc.) between people in some relationships to stay private.  Examples:  Attorney/client; doctor /patient; spouse/spouse.

  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2024
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Librarian 5

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