How can I get my marriage or divorce records sealed or redacted?
There does not appear to be any law in New York that specifically authorizes the sealing or redaction of the information that appears in marriage licenses, marriage certificates, or other marriage or domestic partnership records, though a CPLR Article 78 action may perhaps be brought for this relief. There is a statute, New York Domestic Relations Law §14-a(5), and a local procedure promulgated by the New York City Clerk, enabling the correction of errors in the foregoing records.
Regarding divorce records, please keep in mind that: "Copies of documents (other than the Judgment of Divorce itself) can only be obtained by one of the parties or an attorney who is representing one of the parties. Divorce records are not open to public inspection." Divorce Information & Frequently Asked Questions | NYCOURTS.GOV
It may be possible to move to seal or redact your divorce judgment under 22 NYCRR 216.1(a) ("...a court shall not enter an order in any action or proceeding sealing the court records, whether in whole or in part, except upon a written finding of good cause, which shall specify the grounds thereof..."). Such a motion would be filed in the same court that issued the divorce judgment and under that same index number. But your ex-spouse would have the right to contest such a motion, and you would have the burden of satisfying the court that your interest in sealing/redaction outweighs the public's right to access judgments as public records. The assistance of counsel is recommended for this or any other litigation: Free Legal Help in New York State | LawHelpNY.