What are illegal weapons in New York State and New York City?

How have concealed carry laws changed? Can I carry a pistol in my purse?


New York State and New York City have strict laws regarding the possession and display of firearms and dangerous instruments. 

New York Penal Law, Art 265 Firearms and other dangerous weapons defines firearms and weapons.

In New York City, review the Administrative Code, Title 10, ch 1 Public Safety and ch 8 Firearms. Also review the New York City Charter, ch 18-D Sale, purchase and possession of weapons.

Non-New York State convictions may prohibit firearms possession or obtaining firearm permits (Penal Law 400.00 (1) (c)). The Division of Criminal Justice Services publishes a list of non-New York State convictions that include the essential elements of a "serious offense."



  • Last Updated May 06, 2024
  • Views 2949
  • Answered By Librarian 5

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