What are the laws governing landlords and tenants?
How can I find information on Covid related Emergency Rental Assistance? Are there any organizations assisting landlords and tenants? Can I get a lawyer for Housing Court if I live in New York City?
- Many New York landlord and tenant law questions can be answered through the CourtHelp page.
- The CourtHelp Pages cover evictions for nonpayment of rent and holdover proceedings.
- New York City landlords and tenants should also check the New York City Housing Court resources.
- Starting a Roommate Holdover Case in New York City Housing Court has DIY forms
- Residential Ejectment Actions in New York City.
- Public Access Law Libraries provide books in print and on-line formats.
Contact Numbers for Answering Petitions in New York City
Bronx Housing Court (Clerk of the County) | 718-466-3000 |
Harlem | 646-386-5505 |
KIngs (Landlord-Tenant Clerk's Office) | 347-404-9201 |
New York | 646-386-5505 |
Queens (Clerk of the County) | 718-262-7300 |
Richmond (Civil Court Clerk's Office | 718-676-8455 |
Links & Files
- CourtHelp Homes & Evictions Opens in new window
- Emergency Rental Assistance Program Opens in new window
- Housing Court Answers (formerly City-Wide Task Force on Housing Court) for landlords and tenants Opens in new window
- Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. -- Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Opens in new window
- Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. -- Private Landlord-Tenant Rights and Obligations in Central New York Opens in new window
- New York City Housing Court Opens in new window
- New York City Legal Services for Tenants Opens in new window
- NYCHA's Office of Impartial Hearings Opens in new window
- Basic_Information_on_New_York_Landlord_Tenant_Law__1_.pdf
- From the NYS Atty General: About new changes in rent law (e.g. security deposit, etc.)
- TenantLegalServiceOrganizations.pdf